Each partner held a National Dissemination Seminar to share and discuss the project results and the innovative outputs with stakeholders.
The results of the State of Art Report (SoAR) were disseminated and the attendees were informed how the results influenced the development of the Lesson Plans (O1) and the teacher CPDs (continuous professional development: e-courses of O2). It was also communicated that the STEM Strategy Action Plan was developed based on the SoAR and its vital importance to STEM education, teacher CPD, STEM careers advice and recommendations for policy makers and curriculum developers.
Teachers attending the event were introduced to the topics and course titles of teacher CPDs (O2) and were asked to register on the platform.
The STEM mentoring scheme was showcased and student attendees were informed about the database of recordings as an excellent STEM careers guidance resource.
QR codes were created for both, STEM mentoring scheme (O3) and Teacher CPDs (O2), which were disseminated to schools to be placed on school notice boards and on walls by classroom entrance to make it easy for students and teachers to scan the codes with their mobile devices and gain instant access to these innovative outputs.
Attendees consisted of teachers and students of local schools, teachers from international schools, local businesses, STEM organisations and representatives of educational authorities.